Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Time Is Relentless

Time don't stop for nobody. Since my last post the DIY markets have come and gone twice. A member of my extended circle of friends has been drowned in a stormwater drain, another old associate from Melbourne has checked out of the game by his own hand, the New Year has been and gone with the great High and Dry festival and now we find ourselves in the peak of summer.
Life never stops. Its so tactile and sweet day to day, but so easy to stay indoors and stare at a wall, a book, a tv. We can miss so much, so easily, and then you snap out of it a month or two later and realise that it's time to get into it, among it. So easy to miss the tasty, small details that can fill a whole morning while you are asleep because you've destroyed your own sleeping patterns with the apathetic lifestyle of sleeping late and reading late. Those details could fill a dozen pages of their own, but it's so easy to take them for granted.
I'm trying to not take anything for granted. Not the taste of anything, not a late night at the local secret bar, not a decadent Sunday night out dancing until 4am. Not one single kiss or hug on the dancefloor. Not a single moment of lust or one quiet ice cold beer. I never want to take anything for granted again. So many people will never get to do what I get to do or have the sweet combination of experiences that I get to have.
I'm going to write more about High and Dry and the DIY Markets soon.
But tonight I'm thinking about seizing every minute. Also I'm getting ready to go to Melbourne and doing a spoken word set tomorrow.
I'm making a new zine. It's been five, or is it seven years since the last Coughing Up Legomen. Time to do it again. Ill keep you all posted about the launch.